All files / src/rules unnecessary_pragma.ts

98.46% Statements 193/196
98.55% Branches 68/69
100% Functions 10/10
98.46% Lines 193/196

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import {Issue} from "../issue";
import * as Statements from "../abap/2_statements/statements";
import * as Expressions from "../abap/2_statements/expressions";
import {ABAPRule} from "./_abap_rule";
import {BasicRuleConfig} from "./_basic_rule_config";
import {StatementNode} from "../abap/nodes";
import {Comment, MacroContent} from "../abap/2_statements/statements/_statement";
import {IRuleMetadata, RuleTag} from "./_irule";
import {ABAPFile} from "../abap/abap_file";
import {EditHelper} from "../edit_helper";
export class UnnecessaryPragmaConf extends BasicRuleConfig {
  /** Allow NO_TEXT in global CLAS and INTF definitions,
      its added automatically by SE24 in some cases where it should not */
  public allowNoTextGlobal?: boolean = false;
export class UnnecessaryPragma extends ABAPRule {
  private conf = new UnnecessaryPragmaConf();
  public getMetadata(): IRuleMetadata {
    return {
      key: "unnecessary_pragma",
      title: "Unnecessary Pragma",
      shortDescription: `Finds pragmas which can be removed`,
      extendedInformation: `* NO_HANDLER with handler
* NEEDED without definition
* NO_TEXT without texts
* SUBRC_OK where sy-subrc is checked
NO_HANDLER inside macros are not checked`,
      tags: [RuleTag.SingleFile],
      badExample: `TRY.
  CATCH zcx_abapgit_exception ##NO_HANDLER.
    RETURN. " it has a handler
MESSAGE w125(zbar) WITH c_foo INTO message ##NEEDED ##NO_TEXT.
IF sy-subrc <> 0.
      goodExample: `TRY.
  CATCH zcx_abapgit_exception.
MESSAGE w125(zbar) WITH c_foo INTO message.
IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        test1 TYPE string,
        test2 TYPE string,
      END OF blah.`,
  public getConfig() {
    return this.conf;
  public setConfig(conf: UnnecessaryPragmaConf) {
    this.conf = conf;
  public runParsed(file: ABAPFile) {
    const issues: Issue[] = [];
    let noHandler: boolean = false;
    let globalDefinition: boolean = false;
    const statements = file.getStatements();
    for (let i = 0; i < statements.length; i++) {
      const statement = statements[i];
      const nextStatement = statements[i + 1];
      if (statement.get() instanceof Statements.EndTry) {
        noHandler = false;
      } else if (statement.get() instanceof Statements.ClassDefinition
          || statement.get() instanceof Statements.Interface) {
        if (statement.findDirectExpression(Expressions.ClassGlobal)) {
          globalDefinition = true;
      } else if (statement.get() instanceof Statements.EndClass
          || statement.get() instanceof Statements.EndInterface) {
        globalDefinition = false;
      } else if (statement.get() instanceof Comment) {
      } else if (noHandler === true && !(statement.get() instanceof Statements.Catch)) {
        const message = "NO_HANDLER pragma or pseudo comment can be removed";
        const issue = Issue.atStatement(file, statement, message, this.getMetadata().key, this.conf.severity);
        noHandler = false;
      } else {
        noHandler = this.containsNoHandler(statement, statements[i + 1]);
      if (this.getConfig().allowNoTextGlobal === true && globalDefinition === true) {
        // skip
      } else {
        issues.push(...this.checkText(statement, file));
      issues.push(...this.checkNeeded(statement, file));
      if (globalDefinition === false) {
        issues.push(...this.checkSubrc(statement, nextStatement, file));
    return issues;
  private checkText(statement: StatementNode, file: ABAPFile): Issue[] {
    const p = statement.getPragmas().find(t => t.getStr().toUpperCase() === "##NO_TEXT");
    if (p === undefined) {
      return [];
    if (statement.findFirstExpression(Expressions.ConstantString) === undefined
        && statement.findFirstExpression(Expressions.StringTemplate) === undefined) {
      const message = "There is no text, NO_TEXT can be removed";
      const fix = EditHelper.deleteToken(file, p);
      return [Issue.atToken(file, p, message, this.getMetadata().key, this.getConfig().severity, fix)];
    return [];
  private checkSubrc(statement: StatementNode, next: StatementNode, file: ABAPFile): Issue[] {
    const p = statement.getPragmas().find(t => t.getStr().toUpperCase() === "##SUBRC_OK");
    if (p === undefined) {
      return [];
    const concat = next.concatTokens().toUpperCase();
    if (concat.includes(" SY-SUBRC")) {
      const message = "SUBRC_OK can be removed as sy-subrc is checked";
      const fix = EditHelper.deleteToken(file, p);
      return [Issue.atToken(file, p, message, this.getMetadata().key, this.getConfig().severity, fix)];

    return [];
  private checkNeeded(statement: StatementNode, file: ABAPFile): Issue[] {
    const p = statement.getPragmas().find(t => t.getStr().toUpperCase() === "##NEEDED");
    if (p === undefined) {
      return [];
    if (statement.findFirstExpression(Expressions.InlineData) === undefined
        && !(statement.get() instanceof Statements.Parameter)
        && !(statement.get() instanceof Statements.Data)
        && !(statement.get() instanceof Statements.DataBegin)
        && !(statement.get() instanceof Statements.ClassData)
        && !(statement.get() instanceof Statements.ClassDataBegin)
        && !(statement.get() instanceof Statements.Type)
        && !(statement.get() instanceof Statements.Form)
        && !(statement.get() instanceof Statements.Tables)
        && !(statement.get() instanceof Statements.TypeBegin)
        && !(statement.get() instanceof Statements.Constant)
        && !(statement.get() instanceof Statements.ConstantBegin)
        && !(statement.get() instanceof Statements.TypeEnum)
        && !(statement.get() instanceof Statements.TypeEnumBegin)
        && !(statement.get() instanceof Statements.MethodImplementation)
        && !(statement.get() instanceof Statements.MethodDef)
        && statement.findFirstExpression(Expressions.InlineFS) === undefined) {
      const message = "There is no data definition, NEEDED can be removed";
      const fix = EditHelper.deleteToken(file, p);
      return [Issue.atToken(file, p, message, this.getMetadata().key, this.getConfig().severity, fix)];
    return [];
  private containsNoHandler(statement: StatementNode, next: StatementNode | undefined): boolean {
    for (const t of statement.getPragmas()) {
      if (t.getStr().toUpperCase() === "##NO_HANDLER") {
        return true;
    if (next
        && next.get() instanceof Comment
        && !(statement.get() instanceof MacroContent)
        && next.concatTokens().toUpperCase().includes("#EC NO_HANDLER")) {
      return true;
    return false;