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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 | 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 10983x 10983x 10983x 10983x 10983x 32776x 32776x 32776x 32776x 32776x 32776x 32776x 32776x 32776x 32776x 32776x 32776x 32776x 32776x 32776x 32776x 32776x 32776x 32776x 10983x 10983x 10431x 10431x 10983x 10983x 260x 260x 10983x 10983x 307x 307x 307x 1603x 65x 45x 65x 1x 1x 19x 19x 19x 19x 19x 19x 1603x 307x 307x 307x 10983x 10983x 19x 19x 19x 4x 4x 4x 4x 15x 2x 2x 2x 2x 13x 6x 6x 7x 1x 1x 6x 1x 1x 5x 1x 1x 4x 1x 1x 3x 1x 1x 2x 2x 2x 17x 17x 17x 17x 17x 17x 17x 17x 10983x 10983x | import {Issue} from "../issue"; import {ABAPRule} from "./_abap_rule"; import * as Expressions from "../abap/2_statements/expressions"; import {BasicRuleConfig} from "./_basic_rule_config"; import {EditHelper, IEdit} from "../edit_helper"; import {IRuleMetadata, RuleTag} from "./_irule"; import {ABAPFile} from "../abap/abap_file"; import {Position} from "../position"; import {ExpressionNode} from "../abap/nodes"; export class PreferIsNotConf extends BasicRuleConfig { } export class PreferIsNot extends ABAPRule { private conf = new PreferIsNotConf(); public getMetadata(): IRuleMetadata { return { key: "prefer_is_not", title: "Prefer IS NOT to NOT IS", shortDescription: `Prefer IS NOT to NOT IS`, extendedInformation: ` "if not is_valid( )." examples are skipped`, tags: [RuleTag.Styleguide, RuleTag.Quickfix, RuleTag.SingleFile], goodExample: `IF variable IS NOT INITIAL. IF variable NP 'TODO*'. IF variable <> 42. IF variable CO 'hello'.`, badExample: `IF NOT variable IS INITIAL. IF NOT variable CP 'TODO*'. IF NOT variable = 42. IF NOT variable CA 'hello'.`, }; } public getConfig() { return this.conf; } public setConfig(conf: PreferIsNotConf) { this.conf = conf; } public runParsed(file: ABAPFile): Issue[] { const issues: Issue[] = []; for (const s of file.getStatements()) { for (const c of s.findAllExpressions(Expressions.Compare)) { if (c.concatTokens().toUpperCase().startsWith("NOT ") === false) { continue; } else if (c.getChildren().length === 2 && c.getChildren()[1].get() instanceof Expressions.MethodCallChain) { continue; } const message = "Prefer IS NOT to NOT IS"; const fix = this.getFix(file, c); issues.push(Issue.atToken(file, c.getFirstToken(), message, this.getMetadata().key, this.conf.severity, fix)); } } return issues; } private getFix(file: ABAPFile, c: ExpressionNode): IEdit|undefined { let insertFix: IEdit; if (c.getChildren()[2].getFirstToken().getStr().toUpperCase() === "IS") { const tokenPositionBeforeDelete = c.getChildren()[2].getLastToken().getEnd(); const tokenPosition = new Position(tokenPositionBeforeDelete.getRow(), tokenPositionBeforeDelete.getCol() + 1); insertFix = EditHelper.insertAt(file, tokenPosition, "NOT "); } else if(c.getChildren()[2].getFirstToken().getStr().toUpperCase() === "IN" || c.getChildren()[2].getFirstToken().getStr().toUpperCase() === "BETWEEN") { const tokenPositionBeforeDelete = c.getChildren()[1].getLastToken().getEnd(); const tokenPosition = new Position(tokenPositionBeforeDelete.getRow(), tokenPositionBeforeDelete.getCol() + 1); insertFix = EditHelper.insertAt(file, tokenPosition, "NOT "); } else if(c.getChildren()[2].getFirstToken().getStr() === "=") { insertFix = EditHelper.replaceToken(file, c.getChildren()[2].getLastToken(), "<>"); } else if(c.getChildren()[2].getFirstToken().getStr() === "<>") { insertFix = EditHelper.replaceToken(file, c.getChildren()[2].getLastToken(), "="); } else if(c.getChildren()[2].getFirstToken().getStr() === "<") { insertFix = EditHelper.replaceToken(file, c.getChildren()[2].getLastToken(), ">"); } else if(c.getChildren()[2].getFirstToken().getStr() === ">") { insertFix = EditHelper.replaceToken(file, c.getChildren()[2].getLastToken(), "<"); } else if(c.getChildren()[2].getFirstToken().getStr() === "<=") { insertFix = EditHelper.replaceToken(file, c.getChildren()[2].getLastToken(), ">="); } else if(c.getChildren()[2].getFirstToken().getStr() === ">=") { insertFix = EditHelper.replaceToken(file, c.getChildren()[2].getLastToken(), "<="); } else { return; } const endCol = c.getChildren()[0].getFirstToken().getEnd().getCol() + 1; const endPosition = new Position(c.getChildren()[0].getFirstToken().getEnd().getRow(), endCol); const deleteFix = EditHelper.deleteRange(file, c.getChildren()[0].getFirstToken().getStart(), endPosition); const finalFix = EditHelper.merge(insertFix, deleteFix); return finalFix; } } |