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Variables must be local(METHOD or FORM). No generic or void typed variables. No syntax errors. First position used must be a full/pure write. Move statment is not a cast(?=)`, tags: [RuleTag.Styleguide, RuleTag.Upport, RuleTag.Experimental, RuleTag.Quickfix], badExample: `DATA foo TYPE i. foo = 2. DATA percentage TYPE decfloat34. percentage = ( comment_number / abs_statement_number ) * 100.`, goodExample: `DATA(foo) = 2. DATA(percentage) = CONV decfloat34( comment_number / abs_statement_number ) * 100.`, }; } public getConfig() { return this.conf; } public initialize(reg: IRegistry) { this.reg = reg; return this; } public setConfig(conf: PreferInlineConf): void { this.conf = conf; } public run(obj: IObject): readonly Issue[] { if (obj.getType() === "INTF") { return []; } if (this.reg.getConfig().getVersion() < Version.v740sp02 && this.reg.getConfig().getVersion() !== Version.Cloud) { return []; } else if (!(obj instanceof ABAPObject)) { return []; } const run = new SyntaxLogic(this.reg, obj).run(); if (run.issues.length > 0) { return []; } const scopes = this.findScopeCandidates(run.spaghetti.getTop()); const ret: Issue[] = []; for (const s of scopes) { ret.push(...this.analyzeScope(s, obj)); } return ret; } /////////////////////////// private analyzeScope(node: ISpaghettiScopeNode, obj: ABAPObject): Issue[] { const ret: Issue[] = []; const vars = node.getData().vars; for (const name in vars) { const identifier = vars[name]; if (this.isLocalDefinition(node, identifier) === false || identifier.getMeta().includes(IdentifierMeta.InlineDefinition) || identifier.getMeta().includes(IdentifierMeta.FormParameter)) { continue; } else if (identifier.getType().isGeneric() === true) { continue; } else if (identifier.getType().containsVoid() === true) { continue; } const write = this.firstUseIsWrite(node, identifier); if (write === undefined) { continue; } // check that it is a pure write, eg not sub component assignment const next = this.findNextToken(write, obj); if (next === undefined) { continue; } else if (next?.getStart().equals(write.position.getEnd()) && next.getStr() !== "." && next.getStr() !== ",") { continue; } const file = obj.getABAPFileByName(identifier.getFilename()); const writeStatement = EditHelper.findStatement(next, file); const statementType = writeStatement?.get(); if (statementType === undefined) { continue; } // for now only allow some specific target statements, todo refactor if (!(statementType instanceof Statements.Move || statementType instanceof Statements.Catch || statementType instanceof Statements.ReadTable || statementType instanceof Statements.Loop) || writeStatement?.concatTokens()?.includes("?=") || writeStatement?.concatTokens()?.includes(" #(")) { continue; } const statement = EditHelper.findStatement(identifier.getToken(), file); const concat = statement?.concatTokens().toUpperCase(); if (concat?.includes("BEGIN OF")) { continue; } let fix: IEdit | undefined = undefined; if (file && statement) { const fix1 = EditHelper.deleteStatement(file, statement); const name = identifier.getName(); const replace = name.startsWith("<") ? "FIELD-SYMBOL(" + name + ")" : "DATA(" + name + ")"; const fix2 = EditHelper.replaceRange(file, write.position.getStart(), write.position.getEnd(), replace); fix = EditHelper.merge(fix1, fix2); } const message = this.getMetadata().title + ", " + name; ret.push(Issue.atIdentifier(identifier, message, this.getMetadata().key, this.conf.severity, fix)); } return ret; } //////////////////////// private findNextToken(ref: IVariableReference, obj: ABAPObject): AbstractToken | undefined { const file = obj.getABAPFileByName(ref.resolved.getFilename()); if (file === undefined) { return undefined; } for (const t of file.getTokens()) { if (t.getStart().isAfter(ref.position.getEnd())) { return t; } } return undefined; } private firstUseIsWrite(node: ISpaghettiScopeNode, identifier: TypedIdentifier): IVariableReference | undefined { // assumption: variables are local, so only the current scope must be searched for (const r of node.getData().references) { if (r.referenceType === ReferenceType.TypeReference && r.resolved?.getStart().equals(identifier.getStart()) === true) { return undefined; } } let firstRead: IVariableReference | undefined = undefined; for (const r of node.getData().references) { if (r.referenceType !== ReferenceType.DataReadReference || r.resolved?.getStart().equals(identifier.getStart()) === false) { continue; } if (r.resolved) { firstRead = {position: r.position, resolved: r.resolved}; break; } } let firstWrite: IVariableReference | undefined = undefined; for (const w of node.getData().references) { if (w.referenceType !== ReferenceType.DataWriteReference || w.resolved?.getStart().equals(identifier.getStart()) === false) { continue; } if (w.resolved) { firstWrite = {position: w.position, resolved: w.resolved}; break; } } if (firstRead === undefined) { return firstWrite; } else if (firstWrite === undefined) { return undefined; } else if (firstWrite.position.getStart().getRow() === firstRead.position.getStart().getRow()) { // if the same statement both reads and write the same variable // note that currently just the line number is compared, this is not correct, it should check if its the same statement return undefined; } else if (firstWrite.position.getStart().isBefore(firstRead.position.getStart())) { return firstWrite; } return undefined; } private isLocalDefinition(node: ISpaghettiScopeNode, identifier: TypedIdentifier): boolean { const {start, end} = node.calcCoverage(); if (identifier.getStart().isAfter(start) && identifier.getStart().isBefore(end)) { return true; } else { return false; } } private findScopeCandidates(node: ISpaghettiScopeNode): ISpaghettiScopeNode[] { if (node.getIdentifier().stype === ScopeType.Form || node.getIdentifier().stype === ScopeType.Method) { return [node]; } let ret: ISpaghettiScopeNode[] = []; for (const c of node.getChildren()) { ret = ret.concat(this.findScopeCandidates(c)); } return ret; } } |