All files / src/rules max_one_statement.ts

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100% Lines 77/77

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import {Issue} from "../issue";
import {Comment, NativeSQL} from "../abap/2_statements/statements/_statement";
import {ABAPRule} from "./_abap_rule";
import {BasicRuleConfig} from "./_basic_rule_config";
import {EditHelper} from "../edit_helper";
import {IRuleMetadata, RuleTag} from "./_irule";
import {VirtualPosition} from "../virtual_position";
import {ABAPFile} from "../abap/abap_file";
export class MaxOneStatementConf extends BasicRuleConfig {
export class MaxOneStatement extends ABAPRule {
  private conf = new MaxOneStatementConf();
  public getMetadata(): IRuleMetadata {
    return {
      key: "max_one_statement",
      title: "Max one statement per line",
      shortDescription: `Checks that each line contains only a single statement.`,
`Does not report empty statements, use rule empty_statement for detecting empty statements.
Does not report anything for chained statements.`,
      tags: [RuleTag.Styleguide, RuleTag.Quickfix, RuleTag.SingleFile],
      badExample: `WRITE foo. WRITE bar.`,
      goodExample: `WRITE foo.\nWRITE bar.`,
  private getMessage(): string {
    return "Only one statement is allowed per line";
  public getConfig() {
    return this.conf;
  public setConfig(conf: MaxOneStatementConf) {
    this.conf = conf;
  public runParsed(file: ABAPFile) {
    const issues: Issue[] = [];
    let prev: number = 0;
    let reported: number = 0;
    for (const statement of file.getStatements()) {
      const term = statement.getTerminator();
      if (statement.get() instanceof Comment
          || statement.get() instanceof NativeSQL
          || term === ",") {
      const pos = statement.getStart();
      if (pos instanceof VirtualPosition) {
      const row = pos.getRow();
      if (prev === row && row !== reported && statement.getFirstToken().getStr() !== ".") {
        const fix = EditHelper.insertAt(file, pos, "\n");
        const issue = Issue.atPosition(file, pos, this.getMessage(), this.getMetadata().key, this.conf.severity, fix);
        reported = row;
      prev = row;
    return issues;