All files / src/rules cds_comment_style.ts

96.87% Statements 62/64
85.71% Branches 12/14
100% Functions 6/6
96.87% Lines 62/64

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import {Issue} from "../issue";
import {IRule, IRuleMetadata, RuleTag} from "./_irule";
import {IObject} from "../objects/_iobject";
import {IRegistry} from "../_iregistry";
import {BasicRuleConfig} from "./_basic_rule_config";
import {CDSMetadataExtension, DataDefinition} from "../objects";
import {CDSLexer} from "../cds/cds_lexer";
import {Comment} from "../abap/1_lexer/tokens";
export class CDSCommentStyleConf extends BasicRuleConfig {
export class CDSCommentStyle implements IRule {
  private conf = new CDSCommentStyleConf();
  public getMetadata(): IRuleMetadata {
    return {
      key: "cds_comment_style",
      title: "CDS Comment Style",
      shortDescription: `Check for obsolete comment style`,
      extendedInformation: `Check for obsolete comment style
Comments starting with "--" are considered obsolete`,
      tags: [RuleTag.SingleFile],
      badExample: "-- this is a comment",
      goodExample: "// this is a comment",
  public getConfig() {
    return this.conf;
  public setConfig(conf: CDSCommentStyleConf) {
    this.conf = conf;
  public initialize(_reg: IRegistry): IRule {
    return this;
  public run(object: IObject): Issue[] {
    const issues: Issue[] = [];
    if ((object.getType() === "DDLS" && object instanceof DataDefinition) ||
        (object.getType() === "DDLX" && object instanceof CDSMetadataExtension)) {
      const file = object.findSourceFile();
      if (file === undefined) {
        return issues;
      const tokens =;
      for (const t of tokens) {
        if (t instanceof Comment && t.getStr().startsWith("--")) {
          issues.push(Issue.atToken(file, t, `Use "//" for comments instead of "--"`, this.getMetadata().key, this.getConfig().severity));
    return issues;