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INTERFACE lif. METHODS bar IMPORTING foo TYPE i foobar TYPE i. ENDINTERFACE.`, goodExample: ` TYPES: BEGIN OF foo, bar TYPE i, foobar TYPE i, END OF foo. INTERFACE lif. METHODS bar IMPORTING foo TYPE i foobar TYPE i. ENDINTERFACE.`, }; } public getConfig() { return this.conf; } public setConfig(conf: AlignTypeExpressionsConf) { this.conf = conf; } public runParsed(file: ABAPFile, obj: IObject) { const issues: Issue[] = []; const stru = file.getStructure(); if (stru === undefined) { return issues; // parser error } const ddic = new DDIC(this.reg); if (obj instanceof Class) { const definition = obj.getClassDefinition(); if (definition === undefined) { return []; } else if (this.conf.ignoreExceptions && ddic.isException(definition, obj)) { return []; } } issues.push(...this.checkTypes(stru, file)); issues.push(...this.checkMethods(stru, file)); return issues; } private check(fields: fields, column: number, file: ABAPFile): Issue[] { const issues: Issue[] = []; const rows = new Set<number>(); for (const f of fields) { const row = f.after.getRow(); if (rows.has(row)) { return []; } rows.add(row); } for (const f of fields) { if (f.after.getCol() === column) { continue; } let fix: IEdit | undefined = undefined; if (f.after.getCol() < column) { fix = EditHelper.insertAt(file, f.after, " ".repeat(column - f.after.getCol())); } else { fix = EditHelper.deleteRange(file, new Position(f.after.getRow(), column), f.after); } const message = `Align TYPE expressions to column ${column}`; const issue = Issue.atPosition(file, f.after, message, this.getMetadata().key, this.conf.severity, fix); issues.push(issue); } return issues; } private checkMethods(stru: StructureNode, file: ABAPFile): Issue[] { const issues: Issue[] = []; const methods = stru.findAllStatements(Statements.MethodDef); for (const m of methods) { const fields: fields = []; const params = m.findAllExpressions(Expressions.MethodParam); let column = 0; for (const p of params) { const children = p.getChildren(); const name = children[children.length - 2]; fields.push({ nameEnd: name.getLastToken().getEnd(), after: p.findFirstExpression(Expressions.TypeParam)!.getFirstToken().getStart()}); column = Math.max(column, name.getFirstToken().getEnd().getCol() + 1); } const ret = m.findFirstExpression(Expressions.MethodDefReturning); if (ret) { const children = ret.getChildren(); const name = children[children.length - 2]; fields.push({ nameEnd: name.getLastToken().getEnd(), after: ret.findFirstExpression(Expressions.TypeParam)!.getFirstToken().getStart()}); column = Math.max(column, name.getLastToken().getEnd().getCol() + 1); } issues.push(...this.check(fields, column, file)); } return issues; } private checkTypes(stru: StructureNode, file: ABAPFile): Issue[] { const issues: Issue[] = []; const types = stru.findAllStructuresRecursive(Structures.Types); for (const t of types) { if (t.findDirectStatement(Statements.IncludeType)) { continue; } const fields: fields = []; let column = 0; const st = t.findDirectStatements(Statements.Type); for (const s of st) { const name = s.getChildren()[1]; fields.push({ nameEnd: name.getLastToken().getEnd(), after: s.getChildren()[2].getFirstToken().getStart()}); column = Math.max(column, name.getFirstToken().getEnd().getCol() + 1); } issues.push(...this.check(fields, column, file)); } return issues; } } |