All files / src/objects/rename rename_data_element.ts

94.11% Statements 32/34
66.66% Branches 2/3
100% Functions 2/2
94.11% Lines 32/34

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import {IRegistry} from "../../_iregistry";
import {WorkspaceEdit, TextDocumentEdit, CreateFile, RenameFile, DeleteFile} from "vscode-languageserver-types";
import {DataElement} from "..";
import {ObjectRenamer} from "./_object_renamer";
import {IObject} from "../_iobject";
import {RenamerHelper} from "./renamer_helper";
export class RenameDataElement implements ObjectRenamer {
  private readonly reg: IRegistry;
  public constructor(reg: IRegistry) {
    this.reg = reg;
  public buildEdits(obj: IObject, oldName: string, newName: string): WorkspaceEdit | undefined {
    if (!(obj instanceof DataElement)) {
      throw new Error("RenameDataElement, not a data element");
    let changes: (TextDocumentEdit | CreateFile | RenameFile | DeleteFile)[] = [];
    const helper = new RenamerHelper(this.reg);
    changes = changes.concat(helper.buildXMLFileEdits(obj, "ROLLNAME", oldName, newName));
    changes = changes.concat(helper.renameFiles(obj, oldName, newName));
    changes = changes.concat(helper.renameDDICCodeReferences(obj, oldName, newName));
    changes = changes.concat(helper.renameDDICTABLReferences(obj, oldName, newName));
    changes = changes.concat(helper.renameDDICTTYPReferences(obj, oldName, newName));
    changes = changes.concat(helper.renameDDICAUTHReferences(obj, oldName, newName));
    return {
      documentChanges: changes,