All files / src/objects enhancement_implementation.ts

87.27% Statements 48/55
75% Branches 9/12
83.33% Functions 5/6
87.27% Lines 48/55

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import {AbstractObject} from "./_abstract_object";
export class EnhancementImplementation extends AbstractObject {
  private parsedXML: {
    className?: string,
    description?: string,
  } | undefined;
  public getType(): string {
    return "ENHO";
  public setDirty(): void {
    this.parsedXML = undefined;
  public getAllowedNaming() {
    return {
      maxLength: 30,
      allowNamespace: true,
  public getClassName(): string | undefined {
    return this.parsedXML?.className;
  public getDescription(): string | undefined {
    return this.parsedXML?.description;
  public parse() {
    if (this.parsedXML) {
      return {updated: false, runtime: 0};
    const start =;
    this.parsedXML = {};
    const parsed = super.parseRaw2();
    if (parsed === undefined
        || parsed.abapGit === undefined
        || parsed.abapGit["asx:abap"]["asx:values"] === undefined) {
      return {updated: false, runtime: 0};
    this.parsedXML.className = parsed.abapGit["asx:abap"]["asx:values"].CLASS;
    this.parsedXML.description = parsed.abapGit["asx:abap"]["asx:values"].SHORTTEXT;
    const end =;
    return {updated: true, runtime: end - start};