All files / src/objects cds_metadata_extension.ts

48.27% Statements 28/58
100% Branches 2/2
28.57% Functions 2/7
48.27% Lines 28/58

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import {ExpressionNode} from "../abap/nodes";
import {CDSParser} from "../cds/cds_parser";
import {AbstractObject} from "./_abstract_object";
import {IParseResult} from "./_iobject";
export type ParsedMetadataExtension = {
  tree: ExpressionNode | undefined;
export class CDSMetadataExtension extends AbstractObject {
  private parserError: boolean | undefined = undefined;
  private parsedData: ParsedMetadataExtension | undefined = undefined;
  public getType(): string {
    return "DDLX";
  public getAllowedNaming() {
    return {
      maxLength: 40,
      allowNamespace: true,
  public hasParserError() {
    return this.parserError;
  public parse(): IParseResult {
    if (this.isDirty() === false) {
      return {updated: false, runtime: 0};

    const start =;

    this.parsedData = {
      tree: undefined,

    this.parsedData.tree = new CDSParser().parse(this.findSourceFile());
    if (this.parsedData.tree === undefined) {
      this.parserError = true;

    this.dirty = false;
    return {updated: true, runtime: - start};
  public getDescription(): string | undefined {
    // todo
    return undefined;
  public findSourceFile() {
    return this.getFiles().find(f => f.getFilename().endsWith(".asddlxs") || f.getFilename().endsWith(".acds"));