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import {MethodDef} from "../2_statements/statements/method_def"; import * as Expressions from "../2_statements/expressions"; import {ExpressionNode} from "../nodes"; import {TypedIdentifier, IdentifierMeta} from "./_typed_identifier"; import {ObjectReferenceType, UnknownType, VoidType} from "./basic"; import {MethodDefReturning} from "../5_syntax/expressions/method_def_returning"; import {MethodParam} from "../5_syntax/expressions/method_param"; import {IMethodParameters} from "./_method_parameters"; import {ObjectOriented} from "../5_syntax/_object_oriented"; import {ReferenceType} from "../5_syntax/_reference"; import {Identifier as IdentifierToken} from "../1_lexer/tokens/identifier"; import {ScopeType} from "../5_syntax/_scope_type"; import {SyntaxInput} from "../5_syntax/_syntax_input"; // todo: // this.exceptions = []; // also consider RAISING vs EXCEPTIONS export class MethodParameters implements IMethodParameters { private preferred: string | undefined; private returning: TypedIdentifier | undefined; private readonly importing: TypedIdentifier[]; private readonly optional: string[]; private readonly exporting: TypedIdentifier[]; private readonly changing: TypedIdentifier[]; private readonly exceptions: string[]; // todo, not filled private readonly defaults: {[index: string]: ExpressionNode}; private readonly filename: string; public constructor(node: StatementNode, input: SyntaxInput, abstractMethod: boolean) { if (!(node.get() instanceof MethodDef)) { throw new Error("MethodDefinition, expected MethodDef as part of input node"); } this.importing = []; this.exporting = []; this.changing = []; this.optional = []; this.defaults = {}; this.returning = undefined; this.preferred = undefined; this.exceptions = []; this.filename = input.filename; // need the scope for LIKE typing inside method parameters const parentName = input.scope.getName(); input.scope.push(ScopeType.MethodDefinition, "method definition", node.getStart(), input.filename); this.parse(node, input, parentName, abstractMethod); input.scope.pop(node.getEnd()); } public getFilename(): string { return this.filename; } public getOptional(): string[] { return this.optional; } public getAll(): TypedIdentifier[] { const ret: TypedIdentifier[] = []; const returning = this.getReturning(); if (returning) { ret.push(returning); } ret.push(...this.getImporting()); ret.push(...this.getExporting()); ret.push(...this.getChanging()); return ret; } public getDefaultImporting(): string | undefined { if (this.importing.length === 0) { return undefined; } else if (this.importing.length === 1) { return this.importing[0].getName().toUpperCase(); } else if (this.preferred) { return this.preferred; } let candidates = => i.getName().toUpperCase()); candidates = candidates.filter(c => this.optional.indexOf(c) < 0); if (candidates.length === 1) { return candidates[0]; } return undefined; } public getImporting() { return this.importing; } public getRequiredParameters() { const ret: TypedIdentifier[] = []; for (const i of this.getImporting()) { if (this.getOptional().some(o => o.toUpperCase() === i.getName().toUpperCase()) === true) { continue; } else if (this.preferred?.toUpperCase() === i.getName().toUpperCase()) { continue; } ret.push(i); } for (const i of this.getChanging()) { if (this.getOptional().some(o => o.toUpperCase() === i.getName().toUpperCase()) === true) { continue; } ret.push(i); } return ret; } public getExporting() { return this.exporting; } public getChanging() { return this.changing; } public getReturning() { return this.returning; } public getExceptions() { return this.exceptions; } public getParameterDefault(parameter: string) { return this.defaults[parameter.toUpperCase()]; } /////////////////// private parse(node: StatementNode, input: SyntaxInput, parentName: string, abstractMethod: boolean): void { const handler = node.findFirstExpression(Expressions.EventHandler); if (handler) { const nameToken = node.findFirstExpression(Expressions.ClassName)?.getFirstToken(); const ooName = nameToken?.getStr(); const def = input.scope.findObjectDefinition(ooName); const doVoid = def ? false : !input.scope.getDDIC().inErrorNamespace(ooName); if (def) { input.scope.addReference(nameToken, def, ReferenceType.ObjectOrientedReference, input.filename); } else if (doVoid && ooName) { input.scope.addReference( nameToken, undefined, ReferenceType.ObjectOrientedVoidReference, this.filename, {ooName: ooName.toUpperCase()}); } const eventName = node.findFirstExpression(Expressions.EventName)?.getFirstToken().getStr(); const event = new ObjectOriented(input.scope).searchEvent(def, eventName); for (const p of handler.findAllExpressions(Expressions.MethodParamName)) { const token = p.getFirstToken(); const search = token.getStr().toUpperCase().replace("!", ""); this.optional.push(search); // all parameters optional for event handlers if (search === "SENDER" && def) { this.importing.push(new TypedIdentifier(token, this.filename, new ObjectReferenceType(def), [IdentifierMeta.EventParameter])); continue; } const found = event?.getParameters().find(p => p.getName().toUpperCase() === search); if (found) { this.importing.push(new TypedIdentifier(token, this.filename, found.getType(), [IdentifierMeta.EventParameter])); } else if (doVoid) { this.importing.push(new TypedIdentifier(token, this.filename, new VoidType(ooName), [IdentifierMeta.EventParameter])); } else { const type = new UnknownType(`handler parameter not found "${search}"`); this.importing.push(new TypedIdentifier(token, this.filename, type, [IdentifierMeta.EventParameter])); } } return; } const importing = node.findFirstExpression(Expressions.MethodDefImporting); if (importing) { this.add(this.importing, importing, input, [IdentifierMeta.MethodImporting], abstractMethod); if (importing.findDirectTokenByText("PREFERRED")) { this.preferred = importing.getLastToken().getStr().toUpperCase(); if (this.preferred.startsWith("!")) { this.preferred = this.preferred.substring(1); } } } const exporting = node.findFirstExpression(Expressions.MethodDefExporting); if (exporting) { this.add(this.exporting, exporting, input, [IdentifierMeta.MethodExporting], abstractMethod); } const changing = node.findFirstExpression(Expressions.MethodDefChanging); if (changing) { this.add(this.changing, changing, input, [IdentifierMeta.MethodChanging], abstractMethod); } const returning = node.findFirstExpression(Expressions.MethodDefReturning); if (returning) { this.returning = new MethodDefReturning().runSyntax(returning, input, [IdentifierMeta.MethodReturning]); } this.workaroundRAP(node, input, parentName); } private workaroundRAP(node: StatementNode, input: SyntaxInput, parentName: string): void { const resultName = node.findExpressionAfterToken("RESULT"); const isRap = node.findExpressionAfterToken("IMPORTING"); if (isRap) { for (const foo of node.findDirectExpressions(Expressions.MethodParamName)) { if (foo === resultName) { continue; } this.importing.push(new TypedIdentifier(foo.getFirstToken(), input.filename, new VoidType("RapMethodParameter"), [IdentifierMeta.MethodImporting])); } const concat = node.concatTokens().toUpperCase(); if (concat.includes(" FOR VALIDATE ") || concat.includes(" FOR BEHAVIOR ") || concat.includes(" FOR FEATURES ") || concat.includes(" FOR MODIFY ")) { const token = isRap.getFirstToken(); this.exporting.push(new TypedIdentifier(new IdentifierToken(token.getStart(), "failed"), input.filename, new VoidType("RapMethodParameter"), [IdentifierMeta.MethodExporting])); this.exporting.push(new TypedIdentifier(new IdentifierToken(token.getStart(), "mapped"), input.filename, new VoidType("RapMethodParameter"), [IdentifierMeta.MethodExporting])); this.exporting.push(new TypedIdentifier(new IdentifierToken(token.getStart(), "reported"), input.filename, new VoidType("RapMethodParameter"), [IdentifierMeta.MethodExporting])); } } if (resultName) { const token = resultName.getFirstToken(); this.importing.push(new TypedIdentifier(token, input.filename, new VoidType("RapMethodParameter"), [IdentifierMeta.MethodExporting])); } // its some kind of magic if (parentName.toUpperCase() === "CL_ABAP_BEHAVIOR_SAVER") { const tempChanging = => new TypedIdentifier(c.getToken(), input.filename, new VoidType("RapMethodParameter"), c.getMeta())); while (this.changing.length > 0) { this.changing.shift(); } this.changing.push(...tempChanging); const tempImporting = => new TypedIdentifier(c.getToken(), input.filename, new VoidType("RapMethodParameter"), c.getMeta())); while (this.importing.length > 0) { this.importing.shift(); } this.importing.push(...tempImporting); } } private add(target: TypedIdentifier[], source: ExpressionNode, input: SyntaxInput, meta: IdentifierMeta[], abstractMethod: boolean): void { for (const opt of source.findAllExpressions(Expressions.MethodParamOptional)) { const p = opt.findDirectExpression(Expressions.MethodParam); if (p === undefined) { continue; } const extraMeta: IdentifierMeta[] = []; if (p.getFirstToken().getStr().toUpperCase() === "VALUE" && p.getChildren()[1]?.getFirstToken().getStr() === "(") { extraMeta.push(IdentifierMeta.PassByValue); } else if (meta.includes(IdentifierMeta.MethodImporting)) { extraMeta.push(IdentifierMeta.ReadOnly); } if (abstractMethod === true) { extraMeta.push(IdentifierMeta.Abstract); } const id = new MethodParam().runSyntax(p, input, [...meta, ...extraMeta]); input.scope.addIdentifier(id); target.push(id); if (opt.findDirectTokenByText("OPTIONAL")) { const name = target[target.length - 1].getName().toUpperCase(); this.optional.push(name); } else if (opt.findFirstExpression(Expressions.Default)) { const name = target[target.length - 1].getName().toUpperCase(); this.optional.push(name); const val = opt.findFirstExpression(Expressions.Default)?.getLastChild(); if (val && val instanceof ExpressionNode) { this.defaults[name] = val; } } } if (target.length > 0) { return; } const params = source.findAllExpressions(Expressions.MethodParam); for (const param of params) { target.push(new MethodParam().runSyntax(param, input, meta)); } } } |