All files / src/abap/types interface_definition.ts

97.33% Statements 146/150
86.95% Branches 20/23
91.66% Functions 11/12
97.33% Lines 146/150

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import {Identifier} from "../4_file_information/_identifier";
import {StructureNode} from "../nodes";
import * as Structures from "../3_structures/structures";
import * as Statements from "../2_statements/statements";
import * as Expressions from "../2_statements/expressions";
import {IInterfaceDefinition, IImplementing} from "./_interface_definition";
import {IAttributes} from "./_class_attributes";
import {ITypeDefinitions} from "./_type_definitions";
import {Attributes} from "./class_attributes";
import {Visibility} from "../4_file_information/visibility";
import {ScopeType} from "../5_syntax/_scope_type";
import {IEventDefinition} from "./_event_definition";
import {EventDefinition} from "./event_definition";
import {IMethodDefinitions} from "./_method_definitions";
import {MethodDefinitions} from "./method_definitions";
import {ReferenceType} from "../5_syntax/_reference";
import {SyntaxInput} from "../5_syntax/_syntax_input";
import {Alias} from "./alias";
export class InterfaceDefinition extends Identifier implements IInterfaceDefinition {
  private attributes: IAttributes;
  private readonly implementing: IImplementing[];
  private typeDefinitions: ITypeDefinitions;
  private methodDefinitions: IMethodDefinitions;
  private readonly events: IEventDefinition[];
  private readonly globalValue: boolean;
  private aliases: readonly Alias[];
  public constructor(node: StructureNode, input: SyntaxInput) {
    if (!(node.get() instanceof Structures.Interface)) {
      throw new Error("InterfaceDefinition, unexpected node type");
    const name = node.findFirstStatement(Statements.Interface)!.findFirstExpression(Expressions.InterfaceName)!.getFirstToken();
    super(name, input.filename);
    input.scope.addInterfaceDefinition(this); = [];
    this.implementing = [];
    this.globalValue = node.findFirstExpression(Expressions.ClassGlobal) !== undefined;
    input.scope.push(ScopeType.Interface, name.getStr(), node.getFirstToken().getStart(), input.filename);
    this.parse(input, node);
  public getSuperClass(): undefined {
    return undefined;
  public getImplementing(): readonly IImplementing[] {
    return this.implementing;
  public getAliases() {
    return this.aliases;
  public getEvents() {
  public getAttributes() {
    return this.attributes;
  public getTypeDefinitions() {
    return this.typeDefinitions;
  public isLocal(): boolean {
    return !this.globalValue;
  public isGlobal(): boolean {
    return this.globalValue;
  public getMethodDefinitions(): IMethodDefinitions {
    return this.methodDefinitions;
  private checkInterfacesExists(input: SyntaxInput, node: StructureNode) {
    for (const i of node.findAllStatements(Statements.InterfaceDef)) {
      const token = i.findDirectExpression(Expressions.InterfaceName)?.getFirstToken();
      const name = token?.getStr();
      if (name) {
        this.implementing.push({name, partial: false});
        const idef = input.scope.findInterfaceDefinition(name);
        if (idef) {
          input.scope.addReference(token, idef, ReferenceType.ObjectOrientedReference, this.filename, {ooName: name.toUpperCase(), ooType: "INTF"});
        } else if (input.scope.getDDIC().inErrorNamespace(name) === false) {
          input.scope.addReference(token, undefined, ReferenceType.ObjectOrientedVoidReference, this.filename);
        } else {
          throw new Error("Interface " + name + " unknown");
  private parse(input: SyntaxInput, node: StructureNode) {
    this.checkInterfacesExists(input, node);
    // todo, proper sequencing, the statements should be processed line by line
    this.attributes = new Attributes(node, input);
    this.typeDefinitions = this.attributes.getTypes();
    this.aliases = this.attributes.getAliases();
    // todo, cleanup aliases, vs "object_oriented.ts" vs "class_implementation.ts"
    // this adds the aliased types to scope?
    for (const a of this.aliases) {
      const [objName, fieldName] = a.getComponent().split("~");
      const idef = input.scope.findInterfaceDefinition(objName);
      if (idef) {
        const foundType = idef.getTypeDefinitions().getByName(fieldName);
        if (foundType) {
          input.scope.addTypeNamed(a.getName(), foundType);
        } else {
          const foundField = idef.getAttributes().findByName(fieldName);
          if (foundField && foundField instanceof ClassConstant) {
            const token = new TokenIdentifier(a.getStart(), a.getName());
            const id = new TypedIdentifier(token, input.filename, foundField.getType());
            const constant = new ClassConstant(id, Visibility.Public, foundField.getValue());
    const events = node.findAllStatements(Statements.Events);
    for (const e of events) { EventDefinition(e, Visibility.Public, input));
    this.methodDefinitions = new MethodDefinitions(node, input);
    if (this.methodDefinitions.getByName("CONSTRUCTOR") !== undefined) {
      throw new Error("Interfaces cannot have constructor methods");