Press n or j to go to the next uncovered block, b, p or k for the previous block.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 | 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 753x 753x 753x 753x 753x 753x 753x 753x 3x 3x 3x 3x 750x 753x 127x 127x 750x 750x 753x 149x 753x 601x 601x 601x 750x 750x 750x 750x 750x 750x 753x 81x 81x 750x 750x 750x 1x | import {StatementNode} from "../../nodes"; import {ObjectOriented} from "../_object_oriented"; import {ObjectReferenceType, VoidType} from "../../types/basic"; import {Identifier} from "../../1_lexer/tokens"; import {TypedIdentifier} from "../../types/_typed_identifier"; import {Position} from "../../../position"; import {BuiltIn} from "../_builtin"; import {ScopeType} from "../_scope_type"; import {StatementSyntax} from "../_statement_syntax"; import {SyntaxInput, syntaxIssue} from "../_syntax_input"; export class ClassImplementation implements StatementSyntax { public runSyntax(node: StatementNode, input: SyntaxInput): void { const helper = new ObjectOriented(input.scope); const className = helper.findClassName(node); input.scope.push(ScopeType.ClassImplementation, className, node.getFirstToken().getStart(), input.filename); const classDefinition = input.scope.findClassDefinition(className); if (classDefinition === undefined) { const message = "Class definition for \"" + className + "\" not found"; input.issues.push(syntaxIssue(input, node.getFirstToken(), message)); return; } for (const t of classDefinition.getTypeDefinitions().getAll()) { input.scope.addType(t.type); } const sup = input.scope.findClassDefinition(classDefinition.getSuperClass()); if (sup) { input.scope.addIdentifier(new TypedIdentifier(new Identifier(new Position(1, 1), "super"), BuiltIn.filename, new ObjectReferenceType(sup))); } else { // todo: instead of the void type, do proper typing, ie. only empty constructor method input.scope.addIdentifier(new TypedIdentifier(new Identifier(new Position(1, 1), "super"), BuiltIn.filename, new VoidType("noSuper"))); } input.scope.addIdentifier(new TypedIdentifier(new Identifier(new Position(1, 1), "me"), BuiltIn.filename, new ObjectReferenceType(classDefinition))); helper.addAliasedAttributes(classDefinition); // todo, this is not correct, take care of instance vs static const classAttributes = classDefinition.getAttributes(); input.scope.addList(classAttributes.getConstants()); input.scope.addList(classAttributes.getStatic()); for (const i of classAttributes.getInstance()) { input.scope.addExtraLikeType(i); } helper.fromSuperClassesAndInterfaces(classDefinition); } } |