All files / src/abap/5_syntax/expressions type_table.ts

91.3% Statements 42/46
83.33% Branches 10/12
100% Functions 1/1
91.3% Lines 42/46

Press n or j to go to the next uncovered block, b, p or k for the previous block.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 461x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 537x 537x 537x 537x 142x 142x 537x     537x 537x 537x 537x 142x 142x 142x 41x 41x 142x 537x 537x 537x     535x 537x 406x 406x 2x 2x 406x 535x 535x 535x 1x
import {ExpressionNode, StatementNode} from "../../nodes";
import {CurrentScope} from "../_current_scope";
import {TypedIdentifier} from "../../types/_typed_identifier";
import {BasicTypes} from "../basic_types";
import * as Expressions from "../../2_statements/expressions";
import {UnknownType} from "../../types/basic";
import {ScopeType} from "../_scope_type";
import {TypeTableKey} from "./type_table_key";
export class TypeTable {
  public runSyntax(node: ExpressionNode | StatementNode, scope: CurrentScope,
                   filename: string, qualifiedNamePrefix?: string): TypedIdentifier | undefined {
    // todo, input is currently the statement, but should be the expression?
    let nameExpr = node.findFirstExpression(Expressions.DefinitionName);
    if (nameExpr === undefined) {
      nameExpr = node.findFirstExpression(Expressions.NamespaceSimpleName);
    if (nameExpr === undefined) {
      return undefined;
    const name = nameExpr.getFirstToken();
    let qualifiedName = qualifiedNamePrefix || "";
    if (node.getFirstToken().getStr().toUpperCase() === "TYPES") {
      qualifiedName = qualifiedName + name.getStr();
      if (scope.getType() === ScopeType.ClassDefinition
          || scope.getType() === ScopeType.Interface) {
        qualifiedName = scope.getName() + "=>" + qualifiedName;
    let type = new BasicTypes(filename, scope).parseTable(node, qualifiedName);
    if (type === undefined) {
      return new TypedIdentifier(name, filename, new UnknownType("TableType, fallback"));
    for (const tt of node.findAllExpressions(Expressions.TypeTableKey)) {
      const error = new TypeTableKey().runSyntax(tt, type);
      if (error) {
        type = error;
    return new TypedIdentifier(name, filename, type);