All files / src/abap/5_syntax/expressions select.ts

87.02% Statements 208/239
81.48% Branches 66/81
100% Functions 5/5
87.02% Lines 208/239

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import * as Expressions from "../../2_statements/expressions";
import {ExpressionNode} from "../../nodes";
import {CurrentScope} from "../_current_scope";
import {IStructureComponent, StructureType, TableKeyType, TableType, UnknownType, VoidType} from "../../types/basic";
import {InlineData} from "./inline_data";
import {Target} from "./target";
import {SQLFrom} from "./sql_from";
import {SQLForAllEntries} from "./sql_for_all_entries";
import {ScopeType} from "../_scope_type";
import {SQLSource} from "./sql_source";
import {SQLCompare} from "./sql_compare";
import {DatabaseTableSource} from "./database_table";
import {AbstractType} from "../../types/basic/_abstract_type";
import {SQLOrderBy} from "./sql_order_by";
type FieldList = {code: string, as: string, expression: ExpressionNode}[];
const isSimple = /^\w+$/;
export class Select {
  public runSyntax(node: ExpressionNode, scope: CurrentScope, filename: string, skipImplicitInto = false): void {
    const token = node.getFirstToken();
    const from = node.findDirectExpression(Expressions.SQLFrom);
    const dbSources = from ? new SQLFrom().runSyntax(from, scope, filename) : [];
    if (from === undefined) {
      throw new Error(`Missing FROM`);
    const fields = this.findFields(node);
    if (fields.length === 0
        && node.findDirectExpression(Expressions.SQLFieldListLoop) === undefined) {
      throw new Error(`fields missing`);
    this.checkFields(fields, dbSources, scope);
    this.handleInto(node, scope, filename, fields, dbSources);
    const fae = node.findDirectExpression(Expressions.SQLForAllEntries);
    if (fae) {
      scope.push(ScopeType.OpenSQL, "SELECT", token.getStart(), filename);
      new SQLForAllEntries().runSyntax(fae, scope, filename);
    for (const t of node.findAllExpressions(Expressions.Target)) {
      new Target().runSyntax(t, scope, filename);
    // check implicit into, the target field is implict equal to the table name
    if (skipImplicitInto === false
        && node.findDirectExpression(Expressions.SQLIntoTable) === undefined
        && node.findDirectExpression(Expressions.SQLIntoList) === undefined
        && node.findDirectExpression(Expressions.SQLIntoStructure) === undefined) {
      const fields = node.findFirstExpression(Expressions.SQLAggregation)?.concatTokens();
      const c = new RegExp(/^count\(\s*\*\s*\)$/, "i");
      if (fields === undefined || c.test(fields) === false) {
        const name = from?.findDirectExpression(Expressions.SQLFromSource)?.concatTokens();
        if (name && scope.findVariable(name) === undefined) {
          throw new Error(`Target variable ${name} not found in scope`);
    // OFFSET
    for (const s of node.findDirectExpressions(Expressions.SQLSource)) {
      new SQLSource().runSyntax(s, scope, filename);
    for (const up of node.findDirectExpressions(Expressions.SQLUpTo)) {
      for (const s of up.findDirectExpressions(Expressions.SQLSource)) {
        new SQLSource().runSyntax(s, scope, filename);
    for (const fae of node.findDirectExpressions(Expressions.SQLForAllEntries)) {
      for (const s of fae.findDirectExpressions(Expressions.SQLSource)) {
        new SQLSource().runSyntax(s, scope, filename);
    for (const s of node.findAllExpressions(Expressions.SQLCompare)) {
      new SQLCompare().runSyntax(s, scope, filename, dbSources);
    for (const s of node.findDirectExpressions(Expressions.SQLOrderBy)) {
      new SQLOrderBy().runSyntax(s, scope, filename);
    if (scope.getType() === ScopeType.OpenSQL) {
  private handleInto(node: ExpressionNode, scope: CurrentScope, filename: string, fields: FieldList, dbSources: DatabaseTableSource[]) {
    const intoTable = node.findDirectExpression(Expressions.SQLIntoTable);
    if (intoTable) {
      const inline = intoTable.findFirstExpression(Expressions.InlineData);
      if (inline) {
        new InlineData().runSyntax(inline, scope, filename, this.buildTableType(fields, dbSources, scope));
    const intoStructure = node.findDirectExpression(Expressions.SQLIntoStructure);
    if (intoStructure) {
      for (const inline of intoStructure.findAllExpressions(Expressions.InlineData)) {
        // todo, for now these are voided
        new InlineData().runSyntax(inline, scope, filename, new VoidType("SELECT_todo"));
    const intoList = node.findDirectExpression(Expressions.SQLIntoList);
    if (intoList) {
      const isDynamic = fields.length === 1 && fields[0].expression.findDirectExpression(Expressions.Dynamic) !== undefined;
      const targets = intoList.findDirectExpressions(Expressions.SQLTarget);
      if (targets.length !== fields.length && isDynamic !== true) {
        throw new Error(`number of fields selected vs list does not match`);
      for (let i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) {
        const target = targets[i];
        const field = fields[i];
        const inline = target.findFirstExpression(Expressions.InlineData);
        if (inline) {
          if (isDynamic) {
            throw new Error(`dynamic field list, inlining not possible`);
          let type: AbstractType = new VoidType("SELECT_todo");
          if (isSimple.test(field.code)) {
            for (const dbSource of dbSources) {
              if (dbSource === undefined) {
              const dbType = dbSource.parseType(scope.getRegistry());
              if (dbType instanceof StructureType) {
                const found = dbType.getComponentByName(field.code);
                if (found) {
                  type = found;
          new InlineData().runSyntax(inline, scope, filename, type);
  private checkFields(fields: FieldList, dbSources: DatabaseTableSource[], scope: CurrentScope) {
    if (dbSources.length > 1) {
    const first = dbSources[0];
    if (first === undefined) {
      // then its voided
    const type = first.parseType(scope.getRegistry());
    if (type instanceof VoidType || type instanceof UnknownType) {
    if (!(type instanceof StructureType)) {
      throw new Error("checkFields, expected structure, " +;
    for (const field of fields) {
      if (field.code === "*") {
      if (isSimple.test(field.code) && type.getComponentByName(field.code) === undefined) {
        throw new Error(`checkFields, field ${field.code} not found`);
  private buildTableType(fields: FieldList, dbSources: DatabaseTableSource[], scope: CurrentScope) {
    if (dbSources.length !== 1) {
      return new VoidType("SELECT_todo");
    if (dbSources[0] === undefined) {
      // then its a voided table
      return new VoidType("SELECT_todo");
    const dbType = dbSources[0].parseType(scope.getRegistry());
    if (!(dbType instanceof StructureType)) {
      return new VoidType("SELECT_todo");
    if (fields.length === 1 && fields[0].code === "*") {
      return new TableType(dbType, {withHeader: false, keyType: TableKeyType.default}, undefined);
    const allFieldsSimple = fields.every(f => isSimple.test(f.code));
    if (allFieldsSimple === true) {
      const components: IStructureComponent[] = [];
      for (const field of fields) {
        const type = dbType.getComponentByName(field.code);
        if (type === undefined) {
          return new VoidType("SELECT_todo");
        components.push({name: field.code, type});
      return new TableType(new StructureType(components), {withHeader: false, keyType: TableKeyType.default}, undefined);

    return new VoidType("SELECT_todo");
  private findFields(node: ExpressionNode): FieldList {
    let expr: ExpressionNode | undefined = undefined;
    const ret = [];
    expr = node.findFirstExpression(Expressions.SQLFieldList);
    if (expr === undefined) {
      expr = node.findDirectExpression(Expressions.SQLFieldListLoop);
    for (const field of expr?.findDirectExpressionsMulti([Expressions.SQLField, Expressions.SQLFieldName]) || []) {
      let code = field.concatTokens().toUpperCase();
      const as = field.findDirectExpression(Expressions.SQLAsName)?.concatTokens() || "";
      if (as !== "") {
        code = code.replace(" AS " + as, "");
      ret.push({code, as, expression: field});
    if (ret.length === 0 && expr) {
      ret.push({code: expr.concatTokens(), as: "", expression: expr});
    return ret;