All files / src/abap/5_syntax/expressions new_object.ts

94.69% Statements 125/132
85.45% Branches 47/55
100% Functions 3/3
94.69% Lines 125/132

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import {ExpressionNode} from "../../nodes";
import {CurrentScope} from "../_current_scope";
import {ObjectReferenceType, VoidType, DataReference, UnknownType} from "../../types/basic";
import * as Expressions from "../../2_statements/expressions";
import {AbstractType} from "../../types/basic/_abstract_type";
import {ReferenceType} from "../_reference";
import {Source} from "./source";
import {ObjectOriented} from "../_object_oriented";
import {IMethodDefinition} from "../../types/_method_definition";
import {MethodParameters} from "./method_parameters";
import {BasicTypes} from "../basic_types";
import {TypeUtils} from "../_type_utils";
export class NewObject {
  public runSyntax(node: ExpressionNode, scope: CurrentScope, targetType: AbstractType | undefined, filename: string): AbstractType {
    let ret: AbstractType | undefined = undefined;
    const typeExpr = node.findDirectExpression(Expressions.TypeNameOrInfer);
    const typeToken = typeExpr?.getFirstToken();
    const typeName = typeExpr?.concatTokens();
    if (typeName === undefined) {
      throw new Error("NewObject, child TypeNameOrInfer not found");
    } else if (typeName === "#" && targetType && targetType instanceof ObjectReferenceType) {
      const clas = scope.findClassDefinition(targetType.getIdentifierName());
      if (clas) {
        scope.addReference(typeToken, clas, ReferenceType.InferredType, filename);
      } else {
        const intf = scope.findInterfaceDefinition(targetType.getIdentifierName());
        if (intf) {
          throw new Error(intf.getName() + " is an interface, cannot be instantiated");
      ret = targetType;
      if (clas?.isAbstract() === true) {
        throw new Error(clas.getName() + " is abstract, cannot be instantiated");
    } else if (typeName === "#" && targetType) {
      ret = targetType;
    } else if (typeName === "#") {
      throw new Error("NewObject, todo, infer type");
    if (ret === undefined) {
      const objDefinition = scope.findObjectDefinition(typeName);
      if (objDefinition) {
        scope.addReference(typeToken, objDefinition, ReferenceType.ObjectOrientedReference, filename);
        const objref = new ObjectReferenceType(objDefinition);
        const clas = scope.findClassDefinition(objref.getIdentifierName());
        if (clas?.isAbstract() === true) {
          throw new Error(clas.getName() + " is abstract, cannot be instantiated");
        ret = objref;
    if (ret === undefined) {
      const basic = new BasicTypes(filename, scope);
      const type = basic.resolveTypeName(typeExpr);
      if (type instanceof UnknownType) {
        ret = type;
      } else if (type && !(type instanceof VoidType)) {
        ret = new DataReference(type);
      } else if (type instanceof VoidType) {
        ret = type;
      } else {
        throw new Error("Type \"" + typeName + "\" not found in scope, NewObject");
    if (ret instanceof ObjectReferenceType) {
      this.parameters(node, ret, scope, filename);
    } else {
      for (const s of node.findAllExpressions(Expressions.Source)) {
        new Source().runSyntax(s, scope, filename, ret);
    if (ret instanceof UnknownType && scope.getDDIC().inErrorNamespace(typeName) === true) {
      throw new Error("Class or type \"" + typeName + "\" not found");
    return ret;
  private parameters(node: ExpressionNode, obj: ObjectReferenceType, scope: CurrentScope, filename: string) {
    const name = obj.getIdentifier().getName();
    const def = scope.findObjectDefinition(name);
    const helper = new ObjectOriented(scope);
    // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const
    let {method} = helper.searchMethodName(def, "CONSTRUCTOR");
    const requiredParameters = method?.getParameters().getRequiredParameters() || [];
    const source = node.findDirectExpression(Expressions.Source);
    const parameters = node.findDirectExpression(Expressions.ParameterListS);
    if (source) {
      // single unnamed parameter
      const type = this.defaultImportingType(method);
      if (type === undefined) {
        throw new Error("NewObject, no default importing parameter found for constructor, " + name);
      const sourceType = new Source().runSyntax(source, scope, filename, type);
      if (new TypeUtils(scope).isAssignableStrict(sourceType, type) === false) {
        throw new Error(`NEW parameter type not compatible`);
    } else if (parameters) {
      // parameters with names
      if (method === undefined) {
        throw new Error("NewObject, no parameters for constructor found, " + name);
      new MethodParameters().checkExporting(parameters, scope, method, filename);
    } else if (requiredParameters.length > 0) {
      throw new Error(`constructor parameter "${requiredParameters[0].getName()}" must be supplied, ` + name);
  private defaultImportingType(method: IMethodDefinition | undefined) {
    let targetType: AbstractType | undefined = undefined;
    if (method === undefined) {
      return undefined;
    const name = method.getParameters().getDefaultImporting();
    for (const i of method.getParameters().getImporting()) {
      if (i.getName().toUpperCase() === name) {
        targetType = i.getType();
    return targetType;