All files / src/abap/5_syntax/expressions database_table.ts

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100% Branches 9/9
100% Functions 1/1
100% Lines 30/30

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 301x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 156x 156x 156x 10x 10x 10x 146x 146x 156x 14x 14x 156x 113x 132x 19x 19x 19x 146x 146x 146x 1x
import {DataDefinition, Table, View} from "../../../objects";
import {ExpressionNode} from "../../nodes";
import {ReferenceType} from "../_reference";
import {SyntaxInput, syntaxIssue} from "../_syntax_input";
export type DatabaseTableSource = Table | DataDefinition | View | undefined;
export class DatabaseTable {
  public runSyntax(node: ExpressionNode, input: SyntaxInput): DatabaseTableSource {
    const token = node.getFirstToken();
    const name = token.getStr();
    if (name === "(") {
      // dynamic
      return undefined;
    const found = input.scope.getDDIC().lookupTableOrView2(name);
    if (found === undefined && input.scope.getDDIC().inErrorNamespace(name) === true) {
      const message = "Database table or view \"" + name + "\" not found";
      input.issues.push(syntaxIssue(input, node.getFirstToken(), message));
    } else if (found === undefined) {
      input.scope.addReference(token, undefined, ReferenceType.TableVoidReference, input.filename);
    } else {
      input.scope.addReference(token, found.getIdentifier(), ReferenceType.TableReference, input.filename);
      input.scope.getDDICReferences().addUsing(input.scope.getParentObj(), {object: found, token: token, filename: input.filename});
    return found;