All files / src/abap/5_syntax/expressions attribute_chain.ts

80% Statements 44/55
14.28% Branches 1/7
100% Functions 1/1
80% Lines 44/55

Press n or j to go to the next uncovered block, b, p or k for the previous block.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 551x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 4x 4x 4x 4x 4x 4x 4x   4x     4x 4x 4x 4x     4x 4x 4x     4x 4x 4x 4x 4x 4x     4x     4x 4x 4x 4x 4x 4x 4x 4x 1x 1x
import {INode} from "../../nodes/_inode";
import {AbstractType} from "../../types/basic/_abstract_type";
import {VoidType} from "../../types/basic/void_type";
import {ObjectReferenceType} from "../../types/basic/object_reference_type";
import {ObjectOriented} from "../_object_oriented";
import {CurrentScope} from "../_current_scope";
import {ReferenceType} from "../_reference";
import {TypedIdentifier} from "../../types/_typed_identifier";
import {AttributeName} from "../../2_statements/expressions";
export class AttributeChain {
  public runSyntax(
    inputContext: AbstractType | undefined,
    node: INode,
    scope: CurrentScope,
    filename: string,
    type: ReferenceType[]): AbstractType | undefined {
    if (inputContext instanceof VoidType) {
      return inputContext;
    } else if (!(inputContext instanceof ObjectReferenceType)) {
      throw new Error("Not an object reference(AttributeChain)");
    const children = node.getChildren().slice();
    const first = children[0];
    if (!(first.get() instanceof AttributeName)) {
      throw new Error("AttributeChain, unexpected first child");
    const def = scope.findObjectDefinition(inputContext.getIdentifierName());
    if (def === undefined) {
      throw new Error("Definition for \"" + inputContext.getIdentifierName() + "\" not found in scope(AttributeChain)");
    const nameToken = first.getFirstToken();
    const name = nameToken.getStr();
    const helper = new ObjectOriented(scope);
    let context: TypedIdentifier | undefined = helper.searchAttributeName(def, name);
    if (context === undefined) {
      context = helper.searchConstantName(def, name);
    if (context === undefined) {
      throw new Error("Attribute or constant \"" + name + "\" not found in \"" + def.getName() + "\"");
    for (const t of type) {
      scope.addReference(nameToken, context, t, filename);
// todo, loop, handle ArrowOrDash, ComponentName, TableExpression
    return context.getType();