All files / src/abap/2_statements/statements import.ts

100% Statements 51/51
100% Branches 1/1
100% Functions 1/1
100% Lines 51/51

Press n or j to go to the next uncovered block, b, p or k for the previous block.

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import {IStatement} from "./_statement";
import {seq, opt, alt, regex, per, plus, tok} from "../combi";
import {ParenLeft, ParenRightW} from "../../1_lexer/tokens";
import {Target, Source, Dynamic, ComponentChainSimple, NamespaceSimpleName, FieldSymbol} from "../expressions";
import {IStatementRunnable} from "../statement_runnable";
export class Import implements IStatement {
  public getMatcher(): IStatementRunnable {
    const dto = seq("TO", Target);
    const client = seq("CLIENT", Source);
    const id = seq("ID", Source);
    const using = seq("USING", Source);
    const cluster = seq(NamespaceSimpleName,
    const buffer = seq("DATA BUFFER", Source);
    const memory = seq("MEMORY ID", Source);
    const table = seq("INTERNAL TABLE", Source);
    const shared = seq(alt("SHARED MEMORY", "SHARED BUFFER"), cluster, per(dto, client, id));
    const database = seq("DATABASE", cluster, per(dto, client, id, using));
    const source = alt(buffer, memory, database, table, shared);
    const to = plus(seq(ComponentChainSimple, alt("TO", "INTO"), Target));
    const toeq = plus(seq(alt(ComponentChainSimple, FieldSymbol), "=", Target));
    const target = alt(toeq,
    const options = per("ACCEPTING PADDING",
                        "IGNORING CONVERSION ERRORS",
                        "IN CHAR-TO-HEX MODE",
                        "IGNORING STRUCTURE BOUNDARIES",
                        "ACCEPTING TRUNCATION",
                        seq("REPLACEMENT CHARACTER", Source),
                        seq("CODE PAGE INTO", Source),
                        seq("ENDIAN INTO", Source));
    const ret = seq("IMPORT", target, "FROM", source, opt(options));
    return ret;