All files / src/abap/2_statements/statements call_transaction.ts

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import {IStatement} from "./_statement";
import {verNot, seq, opt, altPrio, per, optPrio} from "../combi";
import {Target, Source} from "../expressions";
import {Version} from "../../../version";
import {IStatementRunnable} from "../statement_runnable";
export class CallTransaction implements IStatement {
  public getMatcher(): IStatementRunnable {
    const options = seq("OPTIONS FROM", Source);
    const messages = seq("MESSAGES INTO", Target);
    const auth = seq(altPrio("WITH", "WITHOUT"), "AUTHORITY-CHECK");
    const perm = per(seq("UPDATE", Source),
                     "AND SKIP FIRST SCREEN",
                     seq("MODE", Source));
    const ret = seq("CALL TRANSACTION",
                    optPrio(seq("USING", Source)),
    return verNot(Version.Cloud, ret);