All files / src/abap/2_statements/expressions type_table.ts

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import {seq, opt, alt, per, Expression, altPrio, optPrio, plusPrio, plus, ver} from "../combi";
import {Constant, TypeName, Integer, EntityAssociation} from ".";
import {IStatementRunnable} from "../statement_runnable";
import {FieldChain} from "./field_chain";
import {TypeTableKey} from "./type_table_key";
import {Version} from "../../../version";
export class TypeTable extends Expression {
  public getRunnable(): IStatementRunnable {
    const header = "WITH HEADER LINE";
    const initial = seq("INITIAL SIZE", Constant);
    const generic = seq(opt(alt("STANDARD", "HASHED", "INDEX", "SORTED", "ANY")), "TABLE");
    const normal1 = seq(opt(alt("STANDARD", "HASHED", "INDEX", "SORTED", "ANY")),
                        "TABLE OF",
                        optPrio("REF TO"),
    const likeType = seq(opt(alt("STANDARD", "HASHED", "INDEX", "SORTED", "ANY")),
                         "TABLE OF",
                         optPrio("REF TO"),
                         opt(per(header, initial, plusPrio(TypeTableKey))));
    const rangeType = seq("RANGE OF", TypeName, optPrio(header), optPrio(initial), optPrio("VALUE IS INITIAL"));
    const rangeLike = seq("RANGE OF", FieldChain, optPrio(header), optPrio(initial), optPrio("VALUE IS INITIAL"));
    // a maximum of 15 secondary table keys can be defined
    // "WITH" is not allowed as a field name in keys
    const typetable = alt(generic, seq(normal1,
                                       alt(opt(per(header, initial, plusPrio(TypeTableKey))),
                                           seq(plus(TypeTableKey), optPrio(initial))), optPrio("VALUE IS INITIAL")));
    const occurs = seq("OCCURS", altPrio(Integer, FieldChain));
    const derived = ver(Version.v754, seq("TABLE FOR", altPrio(
      "READ RESULT",
    ), alt(TypeName, EntityAssociation)));
    const oldType = seq(opt("REF TO"), TypeName, alt(seq(occurs, opt(header)), header));
    const oldLike = seq(opt("REF TO"), FieldChain, alt(seq(occurs, opt(header)), header));
    const typeLine = seq("LINE OF", TypeName, occurs, header);
    const ret = altPrio(
      seq(occurs, opt(header)),
      seq("LIKE", alt(oldLike, likeType, rangeLike, typeLine)),
      seq("TYPE", alt(oldType, typetable, rangeType, typeLine, derived)));
    return ret;